Welcome to the Farmers Cooperative online store! Here are the details of our clothing allowance program for employees:
Full-Time Employees:
- Receive $250 worth of clothing and a free hat each fiscal year.
Part-Time Employees:
- Receive an allowance based on the hours worked in the last fiscal year:
- 500 hours or more: $50 allowance
- 1000 hours or more: $100 allowance
- Eligible for a free hat if they meet the above criteria.
Ordering Process
- If your order exceeds the allowance, you must pay the difference with a credit card.
- Our fiscal year runs September 1st to August 31st.
- Items are for employee use only and must be ordered through the website.
- Choose your Farmers Cooperative location from the drop-down box above the shipping address when placing an order.
- Clothing orders will be shipped directly to your location, and the shipping cost will be calculated into your order.
Important Notes:
- All sales are final. Products cannot be returned once delivered.
- For questions about your account or the online store, please visit the Contact Us section at the top of the page for contact information.